Elections-Wrestling about the White House
Elections-Wrestling about
America. The 2016 US elections are entering the final phase. The 45th president of the United States of America will be selected on 8th November.
The clash of both opponents on US television was disorganized and random with shots fired far from good.
The clash of both opponents on US television was disorganized and random with shots fired far from good.
Donald Trump seemed to be better organized than he was during the first TV clash, said Andrew Denison, the political consultant on German radio.
A hint of despair was shown by Donald Trump. When confronted with his sexist comments, he did not know better than to throw shade at Hillary by confronting her with her husbands affair. I am just wondering if both could actually get some decent PR consultants that would focus on politics and future plans for the US instead of addressing sexual affairs.
A hint of despair was shown by Donald Trump. When confronted with his sexist comments, he did not know better than to throw shade at Hillary by confronting her with her husbands affair. I am just wondering if both could actually get some decent PR consultants that would focus on politics and future plans for the US instead of addressing sexual affairs.
Sex sells-but is rather seen as unsexy in politics.
The whole debate was loaded with aggression and deliberate provocation. What are they trying to accomplish here? How is this helping the United States of America? If Trump wins, does the adult film industry get bigger? And if Clinton wins does america have to practice celibacy or does it have to offer more than that? This might be one of the hardest times in Barack Obamas period of office.
The whole debate was loaded with aggression and deliberate provocation. What are they trying to accomplish here? How is this helping the United States of America? If Trump wins, does the adult film industry get bigger? And if Clinton wins does america have to practice celibacy or does it have to offer more than that? This might be one of the hardest times in Barack Obamas period of office.
America ist divided and after this horrible and tacky debate of both opponents none of them seems to be the winner. Both should check on their PR consultants in order to generate a souvereign campain. If even one of them is considering to hire a new consultant I will be available to help. Otherwise Seth Myers will be right by saying: "This election is like watching the last ten minutes of watching a slashers movie...." and I would like to add: don't vote for america!
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